G, колли, база родословных и фото, импорт колли в России, collies pedigrees database
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база родословных колли / collies pedigrees database

база родословных и фото колли, импорт колли в России

collies pedigrees database

born : 29.03.1992 Gabi Mamive (Czechoslovakia) pedigree .
born : 19.05.1992 Golden Gates All In All (Ukraine) pedigree .
born : 17.09.1992 Good Girl ze Zlate Jalny (Czechoslovakia) pedigree .
born : 17.09.1992 Grand Gift ze Zlate Jalny (Czechoslovakia) pedigree photo
born : 08.01.1993 Golden Gates Centrefull Girl (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 08.01.1993 Golden Gates Chicken George (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 17.04.1994 Golden Gates Ginger Top (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 18.04.1994 Golden Gates Hot Silk (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 18.04.1994 Golden Gates Howershow (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 26.04.1994 Golden Gates I`m Best (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 26.04.1994 Golden Gates Inflated Miss Happy (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 05.07.1994 Golden Gates Just Kate (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 17.02.1995 Golden Gates Keep In Touch (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 15.05.1995 Golden Gates Love Affair (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 16.10.1995 Golden Gates Oliver Twist (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 16.10.1995 Golden Gates Olympic Fire (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 26.03.1996 Golden Gates Paramour In Paradise (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 26.03.1996 Golden Gates Passing Breeze (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 26.03.1996 Golden Gates Pik Me Up (Ukraine) pedigree .
born : 20.04.1996 Golden Gates Quick Master (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 20.04.1996 Golden Gates Quicksand Lady (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 24.04.1996 Golden Gates Revolution Dream (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 24.04.1996 Golden Gates Rhytm And Blues (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 24.04.1996 Golden Gates Romantic Love (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 07.04.1997 Golden Gates Vois Of Freedom (Ukraine) pedigree photo
born : 28.05.1999 Golden Game One For Me (Deutschland) pedigree photo
born : 11.04.2001 Gerian Sunblush (Great Britain) pedigree photo
born : 29.04.2001 Gerian Sunpure (Great Britain) pedigree photo
born : 19.09.2002 Gerian Sunlovin (Great Britain) pedigree photo
born : 06.01.2006 Gerian Sunsation (Great Britain) pedigree photo
born : 25.03.2006 Gemastra Hot Chocolate (Great Britain) pedigree photo
born : 15.08.2008 Golden Mist Cherokee Chief (Finland) pedigree photo

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